Human resources are the means for Small Business owners and entrepreneurs to build on the ideas and processes of their business model.

People resources come in many forms and capabilities, but essentially have skill sets or key certifications that are offered or matched to the needs and drivers for small business.

Our Chamber is one of the means to identify, promote and collaborate on jobs, consultants or sub-contracting for all business parties.  In the initial stages of this Chamber support a number of initiatives are being introduced such as:

A Jobs Board - where employment opportunities are listed and with an outline of the requirements of the position.  A matching service will be actively undertaken from resumes, referrals, targeted prospects and key resources
Researcher list - outlining areas of research interest from academic and engineering disciplines
High Achievers - notable business leaders and successful business model participants
Pathways and Programs - that connects new talent, youth integrations with businesses and training opportunities

Our Chamber Talent Pool welcomes those businesses willing to engage, share and help future employment and development of new and emerging talent in our local community.

Please send your feedback on the website and upload your profile, requests and offers.  Business can be formal or equally, opportunistic - being in the right place at the right time with the right prospects etc.

The Chamber welcomes your approach in the first instance that can be open for whatever form you initiate.  Make the move and see what can be achieved because support and some collaboration will give the confidence and the window of opportunity that needed to create and engage in something.  Leave your contact and feedback on our website and the Chamber will contact you to develop the support around your situation.

The Chamber looks forward to collaborating with you and providing opportunity however we can!